It’s Friday,
“What Will I Make of Today?”
The Bible says, “Today is the day the Lord Has Made.” It comes from Psalms 118:24. The verse goes on to say, “We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Have you surrendered the meaning of today over to God? Or are you telling God what today means? God has no need of our interpretations or advice on how to handle the universe. You and I have a great need to ask and listen for how to think while we are in this universe. The Bible verse says, “We will be glad and rejoice in it (This day that the Lord has made.)
Life events don’t always work the way we think they should but separating ourselves from God doesn’t help us to live in the Joy of God, or the Love and Intelligence of God. Each day, each hour perhaps, is a time to surrender our thoughts, our bodies, our homes, our towns, states and country; even our people over to the care of God.
Today, make your day about the good of all people (even the ones who are poorly behaved or you don’t agree with). Today, go within and ask for what to think in order to allow peace to begin with you. Go within and ask yourself to surrender to the Love of God. Do this as often as necessary.
Today is the day the Lord has made. Let’s accept that it was made in Love so that we make our day something very special.
Glad to have this day to see you as God made you,
Rev. Shawn