Board of Trustees

repeating Unity logo

Meet the dedicated volunteers who make up our Board of Trustees. They keep Unity Center of Norwalk running through their love of our spiritual community and for the great people who make Unity so special!

Betsy Woods Brooks

President - Betsy Woods Brooks

Betsy Woods Brooks is a life-long seeker of spiritual Truth - attending services, participating in rituals, and learning about a myriad of religious and spiritual traditions. In 2012, she visited Unity Center of Norwalk and felt she had come home! She resonates with the positive, practical, and progressive approach to spirituality that Unity offers and respects the fact the Unity honors the universal truths in all religions.

Betsy is the founder of Simple Wisdom Energy Healing, is a Reiki Master Teacher and a certified mind-body skills instructor through the Center of Mind-Body Medicine.

Previously she had a 30-year career working as a communication and change management consultant for various HR consulting firms. She holds a B.S. degree in Marketing and Management from Sacred Heart University, is certified in video production from Fairfield University, and holds a Six Sigma green belt.

As the President of the Board of Trustees at Unity Center of Norwalk, Betsy is passionate about sharing the life-transforming Unity teachings with those who are seeking to make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others.

Deb Antari

Vice President - Deb Antari

Deb has been a member of Unity of Norwalk since 2013, but originally found Unity in 1989 in Bridgeport as a single mom of two sons seeking a positive, Spiritual way in which to raise her children. Deb is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a busy private practice in CT, has been a student of A Course In Miracles for many years, and currently enjoys singing with the UCN choir, Joyful Noise. As a singer/songwriter she often combines her connection to Spirit in the songs she composes.

Christina lake with daughters in front of bridge

Secretary - Christina Lake

Christina received her BA in Psychology from the University of South Florida and then a Masters in Science from Columbia University with a degree in Social Work. She has been working as a licensed clinical social worker full time since 1989. She attends workshops regularly in communication, negotiating and active listening.

She has attended Unity since 1993 when it was meeting out of a local school auditorium. She has been called "the plant lady" for many years as she was caring for the plants at Unity. She has also participated in the hospitality committee, and for a short while was a member of the choir.

Christina has enjoyed raising and spending time with her family, three grown daughters and husband Chip. She also enjoys Hot Yoga and all kinds of music. She finds Unity of Norwalk to be a very positive and inspiring community and wants to participate more fully in its growth.

Although raised Catholic, Christina found Unity in her 30's and finds that Unity principles and teachings have helped her grow spiritually in her daily life and finds them to be very meaningful and practical.

Fiscal responsibility, striving to achieve a common goal, being a team player while having fun are qualities she brings to the Board of Trustees.

Manja Ferguson

Treasurer - Manja Ferguson

Manja was first introduced to Unity by her friend Ashley in January 2019. All it took was one service and she knew she had found her spiritual home. Unity’s teachings and messages resonated with her immediately and have been a tremendous support in her life.

Manja has a Master’s in Global Development and Peace. Her career has included being a part of a startup to serve the geriatric population, where she managed operations including training and managing caregivers for 7 years.

Since 2022, Manja has served as Unity’s bookkeeper. Her attention to detail, organizational and administrative skills, as well as passion for good financial stewardship led her to join the Board of Trustees as Treasurer in 2023. She enjoys serving on the Board of Trustees as well as the Hospitality Ministry.

Manja’s interests include practicing yoga, cooking, hiking, crocheting and puzzling. As a lifelong puzzle enthusiast, Manja competed in her 1st speed puzzling competition in 2023.

Andre Hopko

Trustee at Large - Andre Hopko

Andre has been a member of Unity for 22 years. He was a former president of the Unity Board of Trustees.

Andre majored in psychology and has over 50 years experience teaching K- 8th grade, served as assistant principal for 7 years, and taught college math in 4 different colleges.

After retiring, Andre was hired by the city and state to mentor new teachers. He trained math teachers in order to get their certification for Manhattanville college and currently works with the home and hospital program in Yonkers.

Andre's hopes his skills and experience as an administrator will aid in the growth of Unity Center of Norwalk. He believes in Christ's message that the kingdom of God is within, which to him, is the main message of Unity.