3rd Week of Advent “Joy” “My Joy is My God”

Hey Everybody,
Living From the Super-consciousness
3rd Week of Advent “Joy”
“My Joy is My God”

Let’s remember that Advent is the “coming forth of the awareness of the Christ within us.”  With that awareness Joy is awakened.  What can be difficult to grasp is that the Christ and Joy are always within us whether we are aware of it or not.  Now let’s become aware of it.  

“The Joy of the Lord is my strength.”  That is said in both Nehemiah and Psalms.  Both times it is referring that we ought to be joy-filled because God IS.  Whether you like the word “God” or there is another word that you use, it still adds up to the KNOWING that there is Something that is bigger and greater than your ego and your thinking unto yourself.  For me, several years ago I was experiencing something upsetting (I don’t remember what it was) but during that upset I was aware that in my gut, I was experiencing something other than upset.  I suddenly realized that it was Joy that was there in my gut.  At the depths of my being, I suddenly knew that I could experience upset on the surface, but in reality, I had the Joy of God, the Joy of Knowing, the Joy of assurance that I was Good and that this situation meant nothing. Ever since then, I have had the wherewithal to pray during upsetting moments so that I can KNOW the Joy of God in spite of the heightened emotions.  

If you want to know the Joy of God in any given moment, decide now that you are loved with an everlasting love.  Decide now that the God of your being loves and likes you no matter what your thoughts and actions have been.  Decide now that your God is on your side and that you can go within at any time and ask how to think about anything and everything that you are thinking.  Trust that you are being told whether you are hearing anything or not.  Trust that you are being divinely guided and will know what you need to know (if you want to know it.)  Trust that the guidance you receive is for the good of all and doesn’t leave anyone out (even if you don’t like everyone.)  Once you KNOW this, you will KNOW true Joy.

 Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”

I’ve Got that Joy, Joy, Joy down deep in my heart today,
Rev. Shawn