Living From the Super-consciousness
"What Is Your Motive for Praying? What Do You Really Want?"
I am assuming you pray. We all pray, but I mean consciously and deliberately pray. What is your motive for praying? Is it to get something? Is it to remember that you already have something? Is it to get rid of something? Is it because you are afraid not to?
What do you really want by praying? We often think we are praying for something specific when it is actually something so much bigger that we want.
It is similar to when we apologize. When you apologize for something, is it to bring clarity where there has been confusion? Or is it because you are afraid of the repercussions that may follow if you don’t? Don’t apologize to placate when your apology isn’t authentic. Instead, pray for clarity and Truth in the situation.
As a kid, I prayed for stuff and I prayed because I was afraid not to. I did that way as a kid into my early thirties. One day I had a spiritual awakening and I began to pray as a means of KNOWING God. It became enough to feel the presence of the Presence. Good began to flow in and through my thinking, my words and my actions. My confidence in the world being “for” me rather than against me increased and I smiled more easily.
When you pray today, please remember that what could give us, God has already given us and so there is no reason to ask God for it. In your prayer time give thanks for the ability to see and recognize that your Good is here and your Good is God. Then begin to observe a shift in your life.
All the Best For Today,
Rev. Shawn