Hey U-nity,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“Where Did We Go Right Before We Went Wrong?”
Recently, a friend of mine fell away from a new way of life he had committed to. He fell and he fell hard. Once he decided he didn’t want to keep falling, I asked him to look at what led up to his fall and ask himself what he did right.
It’s easy to immediately start beating ourselves up over what we did wrong. It’s usually quite easy to see as well. But by looking at what we did right, we can see, “Oh, I did a lot of stuff right in order to climb up the hill of health and well being before I forgot.”
When we see some of the rightness of our thinking and actions, we can move in that direction more quickly before we forget again. Perhaps then, we’ll continue to remember why we got on the right path in the first place.
We don’t need to keep forgetting our misery in order to find it again. Remember your misery with wisdom and gratitude and then pray on how to remember what health and well being feels like.
What did we do right? Did we pray differently? Did we reach out to others who seem to maintain a level of joy and wisdom? Did we reach out to others to tell them what we are thinking that could bring us down? Did we go to Church? Did we join a Twelve Step fellowship? What else did we do? Did we ever remember to have gratitude where we didn’t used to? Did we say, “Thank you, God” even though we didn’t understand why? Were we kind to those who didn’t seem to deserve kindness? What did we do right and how will we recreate that now and expand on it?
Please look into it. Even if you are already doing everything right, look into anything that might be missing. There is no good reason to miss out on our joy, and we really don’t want a repeat of some of the darker days.
All the Best For Today,
Rev. Shawn