Living From the Super-consciousness
"You Can Try to Figure It Out Till the Cows Come Home But the Solution Is Still Love"
I’ve spoken about this many times, but it bears repeating. We don’t and can’t “figure out” anything. While we are God beings with all that God is within us, we are not the whole of God Itself. Whatever needs figuring out has already been figured out. There is a simple solution to all confusion and that solution is Love.
Often a solution appears to us and we think that we figured it out. We didn’t figure it out. We simply opened to seeing the solution. Often we open and don’t even know that we did it.
It is my very strong suggestion that we spend our “figuring it out time” in quiet contemplation of our relationship with God. It is in our KNOWING of God in us that all Good is seen and the Good that we see is Love in action.
Keep moving.
Please don’t ever decide that “This is the only way to think about it.”
All the Best For Today,
Rev. Shawn