Living From the Super-consciousness:“I Can’t Always Be Honest, Can I?”

Hey Everybody,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“I Can’t Always Be Honest, Can I?”

Do we have to lie?  We do if we don’t want to get into trouble!  We do if we don’t want to upset people.  What about “white lies”, are they okay?  “Sometimes you just have to lie.”  But do we?

I’ve been looking into just how much I trust God/Higher Power/the Christ in me/Holy Spirit.  Do I trust that only good can come from rigorous honesty?  Or do I trust when it’s convenient?  Which tells me I don’t really trust at all.  Am I one of those people who thinks, “Wow!  That was really a God-moment!” When things are going sensationally.  But how often am I willing to admit, all moments are God-moments and I just don’t like all of the God-moments?  Here’s what I think I know now, all moments are God-moments and I don’t understand any of them. 

Back to honesty.  Is being honest telling everyone my opinions?  No.  Is being honest being cruel?  No.  Is being honest being an emotional exhibitionist?  No. 

What if being honest is being honest about God?   God is Good and so am I because I cannot be apart from God.  That is being honest.  I can always be honest about God.  I can always be honest about Love.  When I am being honest about God, I don’t have to lie. 

Please understand, when I am being honest with myself about God, I won’t be doing things I would feel I have to lie about.  When I tell myself the truth about God, I will be filled with an understanding, perhaps not intellectual understanding but spiritual understanding, and there will be no misunderstanding and therefore no cause to lie because I won’t fear the response. 

 So now we know, we can always tell the truth.  Just tell the truth about God.

 Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”

Let’s keep seeking and finding together,
Rev. Shawn