Hey Everybody,
Living From the Super-consciousness
The definition of the word “amen” is “so be it,” or “so it is.” Do you say “Amen” at the end of your prayers? If so, you are declaring your prayer or intention to “be so.” You are saying, “I will this to be.” That’s wonderful…if you mean it.
Do you mean what you say “amen” to? Do your words and actions follow through from your “so be it?” It’s hard to follow through on our God intentions through the whole day. Sometimes it’s difficult to follow through for the next five minutes after my prayer time. However, it’s hard, it’s not impossible. I must pay attention to my power of Will and what I am willing to see happen in my world.
This week, observe your willingness. If you will the Love that God is to be active and present in your life then you must be willing that the Love that God is be active and present in all lives. If you aren’t willing for that, then notice that you aren’t willing for it in your life. If you believe you are willing for the Love that God is to be active in all lives, then you cannot place hate about someone/anyone on your social media pages. If you do place hate about someone/anyone on your social media pages, then observe that you aren’t willing that the Love that God is be active and present in anyone’s life. We can’t have Love and the absence of Love at the same time.
This is really great to understand. “Oh! So if I want to know the Love that God is to be active and present in my life, I must become willing to know the Love that God is, is active and present in all beings whether I understand it or not. I just must be willing.
So in our Super-conscious mind let us express ourselves through affirmative prayer: “I am now willing to know that the Love that God is, is active and present in the minds and lives of all beings…and I am willing to see it. And so it is, Amen.”
Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”
Good stuff! Thank you.
Rev. Shawn