Hey U-nity,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“Do I Have Time?”
I was reading some sort of pithy book with wise sayings and the May 2nd reading is, “Our biggest misunderstanding is that we think we have time.” It really hopped off the page at me.
There are several ways to look at this. Literally, there is no such thing as time. Time is something we made up. That is not how I choose to see it today. Today, I am using the time we have made up.
However, I am learning that we don’t know how much of this kind of time we have left. I’m not looking to be maudlin here, and this isn’t to make us afraid of dying. My question is, do we really have time to be afraid, to be resentful, to be sick, and to be afraid of dying? Do we really have time to fear each other? Do we have time to fear politicians, racists, and other confused individuals and groups? Do we have time to kill till we get well? Do we have time to hate ourselves until we love ourselves?
Of course we don’t. But that won’t stop us from trying.
Here’s what I’d like to know that I have time for: prayer and meditation and kindness towards myself and others all at the same time. I’d like to remember that I have time for fun and creativity. I know I have time for forgiveness and I’d like to use that time gratefully. I have time to grow older wisely. I have time to stretch my mind and body. I have time to say, “Thank you.” I have time to pick up the phone and say “Hello” to people I haven’t acknowledged in awhile. Most of all, I’d like to remember that I DO have time to LIVE and LIVE WELL.
I’ve met people who have shown me this and I am grateful that I have taken the time to learn from them.
Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”
In the Infinite and the NO Time,
Rev. Shawn