Living From the Super-consciousness “Practice doesn’t Make Perfect…Practice Makes Better”

Living From the Super-consciousness
“Practice doesn’t Make Perfect…Practice Makes Better”

Hey Everybody,

I was talking with a mentor of mine the other night and he reminded me, “Shawn, practice doesn’t make perfect; practice makes better.”  He is a musician and I know that musicians need to practice a lot, but I always assume there is a goal of becoming perfect.  I assumed that is why you practice anything.  Perfection is the goal.  It isn’t.  It is just a matter of exercising the muscle so that you may be better and stronger.

For years, my anger muscle was well exercised and my kindness muscle was very weak.  One day, I found myself longing to know how to be kind, empathetic and a light in the world I knew.  I began to work on that stuff at the “spiritual gym.”  I made strides and then I would stumble trying to make things happen through self-will.  Then I would go within and ask what to think and do so that I could consider a new way.

It began to become easier and finally more of a habit to respond thoughtfully rather than rashly and self-involved.  I say it became “easier” not constant.  I falter.  I forget.  Then I remember again and the muscle gets stronger and I feel better than when I respond from my own ego rather than Spirit.

Practice makes better and as long as I see progress, I can let the thought of perfection go.

 Let’s affirm together, “The Superconscious Mind is awake in me now!”

Thank you for your practice,

Rev. Shawn