Hey U-nity,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“My Thoughts Are Shaped By Spiritual Connection, Not By False Evidence Appearing Real”
Actually, my thoughts are shaped by whatever I allow them to be shaped by. I was using that title as an affirmation. It is what I would like my thoughts to be shaped by; spiritual connection. Unfortunately, I often allow my thoughts to be shaped by false evidence appearing real; otherwise known as f-e-a-r.
We would all do well to know that what we fear is not real. It is a lie telling us that we should be afraid. When we hear that lie and we choose to believe it, we then allow it to shape our thoughts into a belief in an absence of Love/God. When fear kicks in, we tell ourselves we are not loved, and we then convince ourselves that we have evidence to back it up.
We are in Unity to remind ourselves of the Truth and to remind ourselves frequently that Love is the only reality and everything else is just false evidence.
Please, let’s just keep interrupting the untrue information and keep reminding ourselves of what is True. Let’s let Truth/Love/Principle have no opposites and allow that to shape our thoughts. Please!
Here’s to Shaping Our Thoughts In Truth,
Rev. Shawn