Hey U-nity,
Living From the Super-consciousness
“Power of Strength”
A few weeks ago we started a weekly series here for the first twelve weeks of 2022. I am focusing on our Twelve Powers as given us from Unity’s cofounder, Charles Fillmore. Each week we’ll look at one of the Powers. I don’t tend to present them in the traditional order. I start at the top and work my way through the body. For me, it’s easier to remember this way, and it’s easier to connect how they work and to use them practically. Please remember that all of our spiritual principles and teachings are only a theory until they are practiced and proven.
I will post the current week’s power first and have the previous week’s below. That way you can see how the earlier powers connect.
Our tenth power is the Power of Strength. It is located in the small of the back and one of its greatest traits is that it enables us to be silent. Think about it…How hard is it to be still and silent sometimes? Our minds are frequently racing to do what we ought to let God do.
The metaphysical definition of strength is: The energy of God. Freedom from weakness; stability of character; power to withstand temptation; capacity to accomplish. Strength is physical, mental, and spiritual. All strength originates in Spirit, the thought and the word spiritually expressed being the manifestation.
So that goes back to what I said about stillness. I encourage you to notice your time in the silence and see where that ability is originating in your being. It is not an intellectual process so it can’t be coming from your head. Pay attention so that you may focus on your Divine power of Strength whenever you need it.
Here’s to the quiet of our being,
Rev. Shawn